
Katie Trisdale enjoys a good cup of coffee back home.

Katie Trisdale enjoys a good cup of coffee back home.

Katie Trisdale and a Morning Cup of Coffee

Coffee in the morning is savored by those of us who truly appreciate the aroma, the warmth and the flavor of that surrounds that first sip.  Add the relaxing sounds of nature and few will argue there isn’t a better way to start the day.  This was certainly true for Ms. Katie Trisdale!  She was enjoying life as an independent senior that started each day with a nice cup of coffee on her back deck each morning.  Her days were filled with family and frequent outings with her son. She frequented the Hartsville diners and restaurants with him and her daughter-in-law.  

Katie awoke one morning and expected her day to be just like all the others she enjoyed so very much.  However, the simple act of sitting on the side of her bed changed everything.  Before she realized what was happening, she slid from her bed and landed on the floor.  Katie had suffered a traumatic hip fracture which required surgical repair.

Katie’s next days and weeks were filled with pain, confusion, and uncertainty of whether she would ever be the same again.  After surgery to repair the hip fracture, her independence declined, and she was unable to care for herself at home.  It is not uncommon for seniors to experience what she did after a trauma like a hip fracture.  Her physician assisted her to be admitted to Hartsville Health and Rehabilitation Center.  When the staff at the skilled nursing facility met Katie, she was in pain, confused and unable to walk, dress or go to the bathroom without extensive assistance.  The rehabilitation team talked to Katie and her son about what her goals were and quickly developed a plan to get her back home and independent.

Katie spent several weeks working hard at Hartsville Health and Rehabilitation Center and with some minor modifications to her daily routine, she was able to return to the community with her son and daughter-in-law.  Her pain is now manageable and does not interfere with her ability to function.  What is the best thing about being back in the community?  You might have guessed it, a cup of coffee and breakfast on her back deck!

Charlene Webster and Director of Rehab, Randy Moss, working to reach complete independence.

Charlene Webster and Director of Rehab, Randy Moss, working to reach complete independence.

Recovery Advice for the Young at Heart 

It is always an incredible honor to receive sound advice from someone who is living life to its fullest even during the COVID pandemic and a tragic personal injury.  Charlene Webster from Gallatin Tennessee is one woman who will quickly give such advice to anyone. Ms. Webster, a widow for almost 25 years, has owned her own restaurant business, managed a busy physician practice for 20 years and served as a dispatcher and patrol officer in Sumner County for 21 years. Retirement for her has been enjoying a busy and active social life with her close friends. Travels and dining out several nights each week have brought joy and fulfillment to her.

On March 18, 2021, Ms. Webster was enjoying dinner with friends when she fell and sustained a crushing fracture injury to her hip which required extensive surgical repair. While many retirees in her situation would have had a difficult time looking ahead with a positive attitude, she never once gave her future a negative thought!

Ms. Webster has been a resident at the Hartsville Health and Rehabilitation Center since March 23, 2021. She has faced her painful and lengthy recovery one day at a time. Her advice to others is to do the same; take one day at a time and go step by step. Her goal from March 18, 2021 to present has remained the same, to get back to normal! Her advice to the one in every five elderly people who fall each year, and suffer serious fractures or head injuries, is not to expect immediate recovery. It has been long and difficult for her. She said she did whatever she had to do and has relied on her excellent therapists and nurses to lead her through recovery. She is now able to walk with a walker and plans to go to an assisted living facility for a short time after leaving the Hartsville Health and Rehabilitation Center.  

The pandemic has made maintaining contact with her friends difficult. She said the Hartsville Health and Rehabilitation Center was required to follow the CDC guidelines, but friends have been able to drop off care packages for her at the front door to be delivered to her in her room. More recently, she has been able to have face to face visits with her friends on Saturdays. She admits it is hard on residents and their families and friends, but it is for everyone’s safety.  

Ms. Webster describes herself as “young at heart,” regardless of her physical age. She is quick to tell anyone who will listen to “stay positive because a negative attitude will keep you from reaching your goals.” Each day she looks for improvements in her recovery and plans to take one day at a time until she is back to normal. For all who have the pleasure of knowing her, there are no doubts she will make a full recovery!

For more valuable information and resources about falls and the elderly, please visit STEADI, Stopping Elderly Accidents, Deaths & Injuries (click here).